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Mindconnection eNL, 2023-02-19


In this issue:
Good News | Product Highlight | Brainpower | Finances | Security | Health/Fitness | Factoid | Thought 4 the Day

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1. Good News: Where the Intel is Good

Miscellaneous news

  1. International criminal and mass murderer Anthony "Quacktor" Fauci was the highest paid USA federal employee despite being a felon (unconvicted in court, but clearly guilty) at large. Now he's trying to get speaking gigs. Blabber Buzz reported that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' rapid response director Christina Pushaw put out a tweet on Sunday 05FEB that showed an image of the Leading Motivational Speaker's Agency's website that listed Fauci as a "motivational" and "healthcare" speaker with a price tag of between $50,000 to $100,000 per speech that he gives.

    Fauci has shown absolutely zero understanding of health care. Everything he recommended during the height of Covidmania was the opposite of what you should do. As for motivational, yes, he was able to motivate millions of people to do silly things, stupid things, and harmful things.

    Fauci should have been indicted years ago. Had he been indicted, millions of lives would have been spared and millions more would not be coping with "vaccine" injuries.

    Libtards automatically, mindlessly propose "gun control" as the answer to any kind of murder. Misuse of firearms is way down the list of murder methods. So called "gun control" would not have stopped Fauci. What we need is crime control.
  2. Watch the video of this amazing rescue:
  3. John "Watch me spew carbon with my private jet" Kerry has been forced to sell his carbon-spewing jet. Kerry played a key role in the Paris Accord psychodrama when he was Secretary of State under Soetoro (aka Obama). The Paris Accord was a meeting in which delegates from various nations made promises they had no intention of keeping, a real dog and pony show. Despite that, the USA met its Paris Accord targets shortly after President Trump's energy policies took effect. After the coup, the Retard in Chief negated those policies and the USA is once again far off from meeting those targets.

Defending against socialism

  1. AOC has been humiliated multiple times this year. She is no longer the smug little Communist she has portrayed herself as being.
  2. Ilhan Abdullahi Omar, a Jew-hating, America-hating communist seems to have lost her support from the America-hating communist lamestream media. She's just made too many over the top remarks. She will probably be the next of "The Squad" to be booted out of Congress.
  3. Comrade Diane Feinstein, who has abused her office since she entered it at age 59 in 1991, has announced she won't seek re-election in 2024. So she would leave office in early 2025, at age 91. Violent criminals and repeat offenders will miss their champion, someone who fought relentlessly for safer working conditions for those who choose a career of robbing, raping, and mugging. We worthless law-abiding citizens, however, have reason to celebrate. Just call us selfish.

The ongoing Covid scam

  1. The Swiss President and the Minister of Health are under investigation, indictment, and prosecution by the Attorney General for Covid Crimes involving lying about the vaccine effectiveness and safety. Thailand is convening war crime tribunals to nullify Pfizer contracts. See video below.
  2. I walked into a bank recently and quipped, "I saw a guy walk out with a mask on. I wasn't sure if he had just robbed the place." There is no medical reason for people to be wearing dust masks out in public. Nobody should be allowed to walk into a bank with one on. I told this to the teller, who of course does not make policy. But I will be writing to various banks and telling them they need to stop allowing the mental illness of the few put the many at risk. If you want to go into a bank, show your face. Otherwise, use the drive-up or ATM.
  3. As of this month, the federal government has blown $30 billion on the spike protein stimulation shots (aka, "the clot shot"). There's no documented benefit of these shots (e.g., protecting people from Covid), but the death toll is well-documented. So its its chilling effect on birth rates among the jabbed. Ergo, it's a population control measure. The federal government could have "population-reduced" (killed) the same number of people by simply releasing 200 convicted murderers from prison at a net savings of $7.2 million per year incarceration costs and zero expenditure. Why they chose the vastly more expensive method is explained by the fact that Big Pharma lobbies for depopulation privileges while while street thugs don't.

More (including videos):


Doctors Baffled


2. Product Highlight

The Rocket Pen is a life-changer for students and adults with reading difficulties. Scan words or lines from any screen (e.g., tablet, smart phone, computer) or printed material, and it not only reads to you but provides word definitions, word breakdown, and more to teach you to read (by "you" we mean the person you buy this for). The Rocket Pen Reader gives the reading-challenged their independence,

Buy the Rocket Pen on Amazon | eBay | Walmart

Watch this demo video:

Main features and benefits:

  • Allows students or adults with reading difficulties to gain independence and reading fluency without stigma.
  • Reading tutor functions include spelling, syllabication (how the word is "built"), and one word displayed in big font.
  • Syllables break for each word.
  • Direct lookup of phrasal verbs and idiomatic expressions (for example, get ahead, get along, keep on, keep off, look forward to).
  • Uses colors for the different fields, to improve the understanding of the dictionary definition.
  • You scan, it reads to you.
  • Scans lines of text or individual words from almost any surface, not just paper. It can read the text on a computer, tablet, or phone.
  • Hear individual words or even multiple lines of text read aloud in natural voice.
  • Completely self-contained, no computer or Wi-Fi required.
  • Comes ready to use, no setup process (but customization can easily be done).
  • Full 1.9 inch color touch screen, and simple physical buttons for screenless scan and read.
  • Multiple built-in dictionaries to search definitions including the New Oxford American Dictionary with Oxford Thesaurus of English (Americanized), Oxford American Children’s Dictionary with Oxford American Children’s Thesaurus, and English to Spanish dictionary.
  • Built-in speaker automatically mutes when earbuds are used, automatically unmutes when they aren't.
  • Meets FCC, ROHS, and CE standards.
  • Package includes ReaderPen, USB charging cable, Quick Start Guide, and earphones.

Rocket Pen

The Rocket Pen Reader is an affordable, powerful reading assistant and reading tutor that erases the barriers created by dyslexia and other reading problems. It can be used privately in the classroom, avoiding stigma, thanks to the earbuds included in the kit (it can alternatively be used without earbuds).

How it teaches reading

Before the early 1980s, public schools relied on phonics to teach reading. This allowed any student to "sound out" a new, unfamiliar word and also recognize its root and thereby often grasp its meaning even without a dictionary. Then schools switched to the "Look See" method, which treated words as individual pictograms to memorize. The results were dismal, plummeting the USA from the top of the literacy ranks to the bottom among industrialized countries.

The Rocket Pen puts phonics back in.

It also adds a context-driven dictionary and a context-driven thesaurus, both powerful tools for improving reading skills. See the reading tutor functions in the chart below.

It is the answer

The Rocket Pen Reader is the answer for helping the reading-challenged in the classroom, special needs classes, home-schooling, and adult education. Because of its mobile-friendly design, you can carry it with you and use it anywhere. Not only does it read to you, it helps you learn to read (for example, by showing you the syllable breakdown and the definition). It is super easy to use, no need to watch a dozen videos to figure out what to do.

Based on the highly successful ReadingPen 2 and vastly superior to the cPen Reader Pen, the RocketPen is the latest generation in a reading tutor scanning pen. It is a quantum leap or two beyond anything else on the market. This amazing device retails for $499, sells for $399 on Amazon and, but is on sale now for a limited time only via our eBay store at only $379!

It beats the competition

Compare the Rocket Pen to the competition. The winner here is obvious:

Rocket Pen cPen Reader Orcam Read
Amazon Price 399 285 1990
Color touchscreen Yes No No
Words appear in large font Yes No No
Scans phones, tablets, etc. Yes No Yes
Scans blocks of text No No Yes
Color-coded dictionary Yes No No
Simple physical buttons Yes Yes Yes
Ergonomic for kids Yes No No
English and Spanish Yes Yes Yes
Verbal commands No No Yes
Auto trigger upon contact Yes Yes No
Easy menu navigation Yes No No
Manufacturer experience, yrs 30 7 4
Product age Latest generation! 7 4




Reading Tutor Functions


Dictionary 1 New Oxford American Oxford Primary n/a
Dictionary 2 Oxford American Children’s n/a n/a
Thesaurus 1 New Oxford American Oxford Primary n/a
Thesaurus 2 Oxford American Children’s n/a n/a
Syllablication / word breakdown Yes No No
Hear word spelled out Yes No No
See word spelled out Yes No No
Part of speech Yes Yes No
Headword Yes Yes No
Pronunciation guide Yes No No
Idioms Yes No No
Quick Define feature Yes No No


3. Brainpower tip


Take the time to think things through. The normal approach is to go with the first idea, conclusion, or solution that comes to mind. And then filter out anything that doesn't fit what you decided or came up with.

Anytime I build something, I come up with an initial concept. It seems good enough. But instead of going with the initial concept, I play with it in my mind. Some examples:

  • When I built my climbing wall, there were no YouTube videos or other resources on doing such a thing. During the Covid shutdown, it was OK to go to a liquor store but not to a gym. So many climbers began building walls. I have since seen many YouTube videos. And not a single design is as elegant or as functional as mine. I went from a concept of using extra long fence posts to building an adjustable steel gimbal.
  • I wanted to put a cat door in a window without making holes in glass. My initial concept was to make a panel that would fit in the space created by opening the window. This worked well for many years, except the window could not be operated and there was a lot of air leakage. Last year, I went into deep thinking mode on this problem. I built something with a higher R value than the wall it went into, and it has many thoughtful touches such as a built-in step-off shelf. I built it slowly, also, taking the time to measure thrice and cut once. The workmanship is all aces.
  • In my late teens, I wanted a fast street car. My original concept was to drop a big engine into an old car; this would be affordable. But it wasn't very satisfying. I thought and thought and thought on this, and did a lot of research. I ended up working under more than one mentor to build an insanely quick street car. It ran 12 second quarter miles in street tires, far faster than any production car. It wasn't cheap, but it was quite an accomplishment.

Of course, this "think things through" gives you advantages in areas other than in building things. When the Covid scam first launched, I held the CDC in high regard. But then they started saying stupid things like a dust mask would stop a virus and people should stand 6 feet apart. Rather than stick with my original viewpoint that the CDC should be listened to, I allowed new information to inform me otherwise. So when these and other fools started yammering about the spike protein jab and deceptively calling it a vaccine I was already prepared mentally to think instead of accept.

I carry this practice through to other areas of my life as well. Not as consistently as I would like to, because there is only so much time in a day. The thing is, though, you can save huge amounts of time by thinking things through versus dealing with the consequences of going with your first or second idea.

4. Finance tip

When I worked in manufacturing, the concept of "revenue per square foot" held great prominence. Those square feet aren't free. That concept still holds great prominence today, and not just in manufacturing. It applies to almost any industrial or commercial building, and it applies to residential buildings where a leasing or rental arrangement exists.

At one plant where I was the Plant Electrical Engineer and Electrical Maintenance Manager, the hourly revenue from six lines was $750,000. Did we keep every conceivable spare part to keep downtime to a minimum? No, it costs floor space to do that. So instead of having only five lines producing (significantly less) revenue, that math worked out such that losing $125,000 an hour for a few hours once in a great while made more sense than permanently losing $125,000 an hour by using productive space to store spare parts. Read that again. Let it sink in. That's the mindset to take when evaluating how you use the space in your home. Filling it with "just in case" is not cost-effective.

Many people who "own" a home (that is, people who pay for a mortgage, pay "rent" to the county in the form of property taxes, pay for all maintenance and repairs, etc.) fail to apply this concept. For some, the cost per square foot of actual living space is breathtakingly high because so much of their house is filled with unnecessary items. At the far end of this spectrum, such people would be financially better off to rent a commercial storage space that they can fill with clutter, junk, old stuff, duplicate stuff, and unused items and then rent a one-bedroom flat with a kitchenette; the savings would be about $5,000 per year or about the price of a new car every five years.

How can you calculate the cost per square foot of your living space?

First, develop the cost figure.

  1. Add up all the costs involved in "owning" your home for 40 years. This would include your mortgage, whether paid off or not because a mortgage leaves a financial print due to lost opportunity costs and other factors. Insurance, property taxes, maintenance, repairs, new roof every 25 years, new windows every 20 years, and so on. You'll have to do some estimating, and you'll need to account for every shelter-related cost that you didn't pay when you were 10 years old and living with your parents. I picked 40 years because it seems more doable than a longer timeframe and also fairly typical. But you can choose a different timeframe if doing so works better for you.
  2. Divide the total by 40 years (or whatever your timeframe number is). This gives you your annual cost for the total square footage of your house. Call this ACTSF.

A figure of $6,000/year is about normal for a median-value house in a medium-sized midwestern city. If you are much above or below that, you don't have a median-value house, your zip code is expensive, your expenses are outliers, or you made a mistake. But you could have $12,000/year and it could be correct for you; do the math again to confirm.

Second, figure out how much space you are using versus wasting on storage.

  1. Measure all the space used for anything other than living space. This includes closets used for anything other than clothes and linens, bookshelves, free-standing cabinets, and any stacks of anything. You must also include any counter space that is occupied rather than bare. Exclude furniture that is used for living purposes (e.g., living room couch, bed, dining table) but include furniture used or misused to store things. Any duplicated major appliances also get included (for example, you have a freezer in addition to a freezer/refrigerator). Add up all the measurements and name the total "Storage Space".
  2. Measure all the space used for living space. This includes all empty space, furniture used for living and entertainment purposes, a linen closet, and one clothes closet per occupant. Add up all the measurements and name the total "Living Space".
  3. If you are like most people, Storage Space + Living Space > Total Square Footage. That's because most people misperceive how their space is actually used. Go back and reconcile errors, being brutally honest.

A figure of 1000 square feet of living space is about normal for a median-sized house. A hoarder will typically have less than 100 square feet, while a minimalist could be pushing 95% of the total square feet due to basically not owning anything. Most of us need some storage, so we balance living space and storage but heavily in favor of living space.

Third, divide the ACTSF by Living Space. This is how much you pay for each square foot of storage. As living space increases, the cost of storage goes down because less of the cost of the place is allocated to storage.

A figure of $6 per square foot is about normal. A hoarder will typically be paying $60 per square foot per year to store things while being subjected to high levels of stress-inducing visual noise and being unable to use the place as an actual home (a place to relax and entertain).

Cost-saving solution

By contrast to the $60 per square foot per year to misuse your house as a storage facility (which it surely is not zoned for or insured for, and for which it does not meet the appropriate fire codes), U-Haul has 600 square foot storage units available for around $60 per month (price varies by city). That's $10 per square foot times 12 months or $120 per square foot per year. At first glance, it appears it's cheaper to misuse your house as a storage facility than to store all that junk in a U-Haul unit. But because the unit allows for greater height and density (no need for pathways), the typical hoarder can recoup the same square footage as is available TOTAL in a median-sized house. It's like getting an entire house for $720 per year.

For most people who just have some overloaded closets and a packed garage, they could use a smaller unit at $30 per month to significantly increase their available living space. Or they could toss that extra stuff and save $360 per year while enjoying as much additional space as a major addition project would have provided.

That's the math. It's pretty simple.

An even cheaper option to just get rid of stuff. People with far too much stuff try to do this over time. They fail. Here is an approach that works:

  1. Rent a dumpster.
  2. Fill it up.

You just keep discarding items, regardless or their condition or value, until they are no longer in your house. Saving a $5 item but paying $12 for the space to store it is foolish. Filling up a dumpster may seem like an impossible task, what can actually be tossed out? Look for anything duplicate. You don't need duplicates of things, generally. Even ink pens, you don't need more than two total in your entire house. One to use, and one to replace it when it runs dry (I buy pens one at a time). Did you buy a new coffeemaker? Toss out the old one. Do you have four 10-inch fry pans but never use more than one at a time? Toss out the other three. Don't sort for giving to charity, that will just add another layer of work. Toss. It. Out. You want quick results and you don't want to lose your momentum.

Consider this example. Suppose you have a 3,000 square foot home that has only 1,000 square feet of living space in it. You toss out half the clutter and junk, and now you've got 2,000 square feet. That is the same thing as paying $500,000 for a second 3,000 square foot home equally filled with clutter and junk. By tossing that clutter and junk out, you gain $500,000 worth of space for free. The total value of the clutter and junk isn't $500,000. It's probably less than $5,000. When I was a kid, my parents took my sister and me to "Margaret and Ray's place". Their house was filled with useless junk, mostly broken things. The total value was $50 at most. They had added on to their house several times. But they always filled the new space with junk. Those were expensive add-ons!

If the living space recovery project is beyond your ability to carry out, don't feel bad. Just hire a professional firm to handle this for you. Remember, it's about recovering expensive square footage. If a decluttering firm charges you $2500 for day of recovering living space, that's cheap compared to what you paid in the last year to store things you don't use and don't need.

Definitely worth doing

While inflation is the single biggest cost for the typical American, the cost per square foot of living space is not to be ignored. Saving money there has many benefits. And if you get the cost low enough, you may decide to downsize to fewer square feet for an overall reduction in total outlay per year. If you can live in a 3,000 square foot house mostly filled with junk, you can easily live in a 1,500 square foot house that is decluttered and junk-free. The savings in property taxes, insurance, and maintenance are significant.

Plus, the smaller house is easier to clean. And the bigger house, filled with junk, is impossible to get to a state that can honestly be called "clean". Plastic bins emit toxic fumes, and cardboard boxes harbor paper worms and other critters. These items also create "impossible to clean" areas under, behind, and between them.

For those who keep junk due to the fear of not having something they might need, I say this. You need to be more fearful of how your junk inhibits first responders in the event of an emergency. A person can walk through any part of my house in total darkness and not step on anything, stumble over stuff, etc. At most, a person would bump into a large piece of furniture (and there is no furniture in the normal walkways). This doesn't mean I just moved the mess to the garage, either. I liken my garage to an operating room, because it's so neat. The back wall is lined with rollaway toolboxes and cabinets. There's not a single box of anything on my floor. It's very functional, so when I need to do a build or repair project I don't have to precede that with a cleaning project.

5. Security tip

Door cameras are all the rage, today. They really do help secure your property. The one downside is that if you've grown accustomed to setting your trash out in Amazon boxes so some idiot would steal them off your porch, you'll now have to put your trash out in bins emptied by a garbage company.

While security is important for your property, what do you do for the security of your mind?

Do you know what what happens when genius level people neglect to consider this? They exhibit IQs below zero. Here is a recent example of that:

Mensa survey question was:
What type of content would you like to see more of in The Mensa Bulletin? If you do not have a response, please leave it blank and continue to the next question.

My answer:
More articles about critical thinking. I was aghast that so many Mensans believed the BS about wearing masks (3rd grade math destroys the narrative) and that so many believed that somehow a "vaccine" stops transmission (there is no mechanism) and further that a shot which induces you to produce a toxin (spike protein) instead of antigens is somehow a "vaccine". This is shameful for an organization titled "The High IQ Society". Boy, did that amygdala take over and cut the cortex completely out of things! Reason, not ignorant fear, should have been our guide.

Mind theft is a constant danger, and you must guard against it. Here are some tips:

  • Zero television, or at least very, very picky about what you watch.
  • Zero news, from any source (Epoch Times being the one exception, but even then trust but verify!).
  • Limit exposure to libtards. Don't engage them in their "debates", indoctrination, or anything else they are spewing.
  • Don't discuss "news" items with other people. The news-infected are like zombies, and all they want to do is spread the disease.
  • Actively seek out and interact with people who think. You will have to be very active in finding them, because the portion thinkers in our population is shrinking.
  • Engage in conversations with people who think, realizing that fact means ya'll won't agree on everything.

On the physical front, protect your brain with:

  • Zero processed sugar in your diet (it destroys neurons).
  • Zero wheat, corn, or soy in your diet (it's contaminated with glyphosate, which is a powerful neurotoxin).
  • Zero seed oils in your diet. These cause mechanical damage in the brain. One day the medical establishment will acknowledge this and declare they have found the cause of Alzheimer's. They are slow on the uptake, so just know that you know and they don't.

Remember, sugar destroys neurons but television makes morons. Protect your mind by avoiding both.


6. Health tip/Fitness tips

Lose weight, be strong, burn fat, gain muscle

Lose weight, be strong, burn fat, gain muscle

Lose weight, be strong, burn fat, gain muscle

The photos tell you something important about my credibility in this area.

Statistics when these photos were taken, 2 days past my 62nd birthday:

  • Height: 6'0"

  • Wingspan: 6'1"

  • Weight: 148.8lbs (a bit more than the Age 60 shoot, and I am leaner for this one)

  • Bodyfat: Unknown, but well below what the Tanita scale says is 5%

  • Waist: 29

  • Chest: 48

  • Arms: 15

  • Quads: 20.5 (an increase of half an inch since the Age 60 shoot)

  • Max bench press: Unknown, but I do 4 sets of 10 reps with 150 lbs to warm up on chest day

  • Max squat: Unknown, but I do 4 sets of 8 reps of front squats with 90lbs to start Leg Day

  • Cholesterol: In normal range, on low side

  • Testosterone: Above the upper limit of the normal range

  • Last illness: 1971

  • Last workout missed: Spring of 1977

  • Training days per week: 6

  • Type of training: Split routine, heavy on supersets

  • Meals per day: 7 on training days, 6 on rest day

  • Percent of diet that is processed food: 0

  • Amount of meat, wheat, corn, or soy eaten annually: 0

  • Number of eggs eaten per day: Between 8 and 10

Some cool climbing  videos:

See all of my climbing videos here:


Once in a while, I buy a book on climbing. Such books inevitably have a chapter or section on physical training. The people writing these books may understand climbing, but I have yet to find that any of the authors understand physical training. I read the same tropes I was told (and, unfortunately, believed for a while) in my early years of martial arts training. These people are told something, and they accept it as true. Then they repeat it without bothering to learn the basics of the subject.

In the latest book of my growing collection, the author said to avoid getting "too much muscle" because "too much muscle will impede your range of motion". Let's examine this and then look at the correct viewpoint. First, some obvious questions.

  • At no point did the author even attempt to define "too much muscle". This tells you he has no idea what this means. How much muscle is "too much muscle" and what is your risk of gaining "too much muscle"?
  • Exactly by what mechanism does "too much muscle" impede your range of motion?
  • What type of training will result in "too much muscle"?
  • Which champion MMA fighters, all of whom are significantly muscular, suffer from limited range of motion? Isn't the number exactly zero?
  • Why is it that in the past few Mr. Olympia contests, the posing routines exhibit range of motion that many yoga students would envy?

Robert Wichman, a drug-free bodybuilder based in Lees Summit, MO, has regularly competed in the drug-free division of the Mr. Olympia where he is a Gold Medalist. He's got very big muscles. And his range of motion is in the "superior" range. If you train with Wichman, you'd better be prepared to hear him bark out, "Full range of motion!" as you work out. He is totally adamant about this. When you train with the full range of motion, several benefits accrue:

  • The muscle takes its natural shape, which enhances the symmetry that bodybuilders are after.
  • You prevent muscle tightness, tendon strain, and ligament problems.
  • You can't possibly train this way and use a weight in excess of what is appropriate. That is, someone doing a half rep of biceps curl might use a 50lb dumbbell and create ligament tears. Someone doing a full rep would need to use half that weight and have a strong mind-muscle connection during the lower 15% and upper 15% of the range of motion.
  • You can get a better pump because you can squeeze hard at the limits of the range of motion.

So what is too much muscle? And if there is such a thing, what is your risk and how do you reduce the risk?

  • The body always seeks to be as efficient as possible with calorie-consuming tissue. It will produce only as much hypertrophy as necessary to meet the loads it encounters. Your endocrine system and other limiters don't permit massive gains in the short-term. Those gains recede without continued stimulus to signal the body to keep them.
  • You have seen those super-lumpy physiques with grotesque musculature. Aren't those folks walking around with too much muscle? Yes, because they use limited range of motion training so they can handle excessive weight in one part of the range of motion and cause the muscle belly to swell. They are nearly always also using anabolic steroids.
  • To eliminate, not merely reduce, the risk of "too much muscle" (muscle that is overdeveloped in a portion of the range of motion), don't take anabolic steroids, perform each rep through the full range of motion (or use a multi-exercise approach to achieve the same thing), and make large compound movements the basis of your workouts.

For 90% of the drug-free training population, there is zero risk of gaining so much muscle that you have difficulty making graceful, athletic movements. It's not "too much" muscle gained, but "too little" range trained. What about the other 10% of the drug-free training population? Well, the same thing. And if you add 10% to 90%, you get 100%. That is, there is no human being on earth whose athletic performance will suffer due to gaining too much muscle unless that person turns to drugs to override the body's built-in control systems.

Another question is how much "range of motion" are we talking about? Among climbers, I am probably in the upper 2% for flexibility and range of motion. That is, the very same people who say my training methods impede range of motion have less range of motion than I do. If they would discard the "too much muscle" theory and construct proper workouts, they would have more range of motion and more power throughout that range. I know several climbers who have adopted this philosophy, have excellent hypertrophy, and combine their strength near the limit of range with dynamic movement to do things I'm not able to do. A takeaway for me here is the limit isn't too much muscle but too little technique ability.

Train hard, and don't worry that your results might somehow be so spectacular that you'll need to dial back the training. The real danger is in letting this false concept hold you back from training to achieve your full potential. It does provide an excuse for training only once or twice a week ("Yeah, I might shoot past Ronnie Coleman and not be able to do the splits even though I have never been able to do them in the first place"), but it's only that. An excuse. And a lame one at that.


At, you'll find plenty of informative, authoritative articles on maintaining a lean, strong physique. It has nothing to do with long workouts or impossible to maintain diets. In fact:
  • The best workouts are short and intense.
  • A good diet contains far more flavors and satisfaction than the typical American diet.

7. Factoid

Many people consider "carbs" to be so fattening they won't eat fruit or root vegetables. A large banana is only 90 calories, an apple only 60. A medium (5" x 2") sweet potato, only 100.


8. Thought for the Day

Many people consider themselves virtuous by dint of membership in some group, but then treat others quite badly. Libtards are a primary example of this, with all their bullying, cancelling, and hyberbolic name-calling of normal people. Answer for yourself, "What is virtue, really?" and you have answered an important question.




Please forward this eNL to others.


The purpose of this publication is to inform and empower its readers (and save you money!). The views expressed in this e-newsletter are generally not shared by socialists or other brainwashed individuals. That's because those fools live in an alternate reality and have not bothered to learn the basics of how life works. They cannot do basic math, cannot apply logic, and cannot be bothered to learn the basic facts relevant to any topic that they are passionate about.

Except where noted, this e-newsletter is entirely the work of Mark Lamendola. Anything presented as fact can be independently verified. Where sources are not given, they are readily available to anyone who makes the effort. Mark provides information from either research or his own areas of established expertise. Sometimes, what appears to be a personal opinion is the only possibility when applying sound logic--reason it out before judging! (That said, some personal opinions do appear on occasion).

Personal note from Mark: I value each and every one of you, and I hope that shows in the diligent effort I put into writing this e-newsletter. It is an act of service, almost no money is generated for me through this effort. Thank you for being a faithful reader. Please pass this newsletter along to others.

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