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Mindconnection eNL, 2014-04-06


In this issue:
Good News | Product Highlight | Brainpower | Finances | Security | Health/Fitness | Factoid | Thought 4 the Day

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1. Good News

Zombies are increasingly waking up. Here's an example:

This bodes well for thinker everywhere.

2. Product Highlight


3. Brainpower tip

Common toxins in common products can make you stupid.

Read the ingredients, for example, on shampoo. The idea is you apply this to your scalp, not far from your brain, because somehow your head is inherently smelly and dirty and this makes it all clean. Some people even do this daily. Contrary to the propaganda, a pure soap (e.g., Ivory) cleans your hair just fine without damaging it. But you could take a cue from how show dogs and race horses get groomed: brush often.

What about toothpaste? Well, aside from abrading your teeth with ground glass, your typical toothpaste is not a good idea. Think of where you're using it. Tissues in the mouth are especially permeable (which is why various medicines and supplements are taken so as to sit "under the tongue" for a bit). Now it may not seem like it for some people, but the human mouth is close to the brain.

Do you put antiperspirant in your armpits, right next to that big blood supply? Getting aluminum into your body hugely increases your risk for the terrible brain-dissolving disease we call Alzheimer's. Keep in mind that this disease is on the spectrum of neurological diseases. You get an IQ drop long before you get Alzheimer's. Keep aluminum off your body and out of your diet.

Home-baked goods sure smell good. Bake a pie, and your whole house smells good. But do you use baking powder? If so, read the label. You may be actually adding "Alzheimer's in a can" to your food. Yep, aluminum again. You can make your own baking powder, by mixing 1 part baking soda with 2 parts cream of tartar and adding 1 part potato starch (or corn starch) if you want it to be double acting. Double acting means that, in addition to rising right away, the dough will also rise in the oven. I always want my baking powder to be double acting.

This list could go on for quite some time. What you need to understand is that many products that get sold to consumers in the absence of any sort of a real federal government that would, if it existed, enforce laws against poisoning people and force these big marketing companies to stop selling poison, are poison. These products have many ill effects, and making you stupid is one of them.

With all the pollution in the environment because we lack a real Environmental Protection Agency and the big polluters can externalize costs by dumping their toxins on everyone else while the EPA attacks the small competitors of these companies on trumped up charges, you want to limit controllable risks.

You can control what you put on your body and what you put into your mouth. Read the labels. Reject anything that you don't know is safe. I don't mean reject anything that sounds dangerous. Unless you know what it is and that it is safe, consider it too dangerous to put on your skin or in your mouth.

That will help you keep your brain healthy.

4. Finance tip

From Howard:

5. Security tip

The big privacy hullabaloo lately has been about how NSA can snoop your phone calls, e-mail, and other electronic communication. People have accurately made the point that those means are vulnerable and the NSA is one of many federal agencies operating in direct conflict with the law. Yet another in a long line of insults to our civil liberties.

What's to say some NSA employee won't follow the tradition of employees of the Institute of Reprobates and Sociopaths and just misuse that information for personal gain? At the Institute, those engaging in such misconduct are actually rewarded for it. But still, the eavesdropping crimes conducted by the NSA are not the sudden solo breach of security they are made out to be. Personal security for most people in the USA has ranged from poor to nonexistent for a very long time.

Ask a friend or neighbor (I hope your neighbors are also among those you count as friends) how they feel about this NSA or other agency snooping, and you are very unlikely to hear approval. "It's terrible," they'll say.

Yet ask these same people to show you what's in the recycle bin they set out each week (or however often it's picked up), and you'll find a treasure-trove of documents with bits of personal information. From these, it's easy to build a file that can be used against that person in many nefarious ways.

Back in the 1980s, I knew a person who had a strong disagreement with another person. So he collected a bunch of propaganda from various subversive groups and (he claimed) obtained several items of kiddie p*rn. He visited the home of his nemesis the night before trash pickup and stuck it all in the trash. Then he made an anonymous phone call to the DEA with a hot tip about a drug pickup using garbage cans. As his story went, the DEA didn't find any drugs but they found enough other shocking and incriminating items to get this guy arrested.

Given how our injustice system works, being innocent is no defense. Even if all of the "evidence" is in a garbage can (no chain of custody or direct link to the alleged perpetrator) and there is no other evidence to corroborate, a person attacked this way is just going to be in a world of hurt.

Now, that's an example of what a vindictive person might do in a personal dispute. Very few people are like that, but if you want to find a concentration of such people look no further than an organization such as the Institute of Reprobates and Sociopaths.

Thanks to Obama's assault on our economy (aggressively draining it of capital), only 49% of working age Americans have a job today. As the debt-fueled Depression drags on with no law enforcement to stop Obama, the situation gets bleaker. People get more desperate. This is why we now have an epidemic of scams. Any information about you is dangerous in the wrong hands. Destroy the information to protect yourself.

The fact is that you need to keep personal information as private as possible. Dumpster diving is a time-honored method of finding out quite a bit about a person. It tells the astute diver what they eat, what they read, where they shop, what their political and religious affiliations are, about how much they spend per month, where they work, etc. A good dumpster detective can fill in the gaps to build a very detailed and very reliable picture of you.

Now, in addition to shredding what can you do? Here are some tips:

  • Keep the shreds in a fairly good-sized receptacle. Mix often. Remove only a portion at a time. This separates shreds of documents over many, many trips to your dumpster.
  • Also shred some innocuous items, so dumpster detectives waste resources on duds.
  • If you have a fireplace or burn yard waste, toss in a few of the shreds but only a few (they are probably toxic).
  • Mix some shreds with something offensive, such as pet waste or a transcript of an Obama speech before adding to your trash. OK, maybe that transcript is over the top offensive; stick with the pet waste.


  • Use shreds for kitty litter; in addition to containing toxins, they are just the wrong material and you will have serious problems by misusing them for this purpose.
  • Put shreds into your garden composter, because they probably contain toxic materials. If you lack a conscience, you can put them into someone else's composter.
  • Use them as parcel packing material. They can still be assembled if found in the recipient's trash.

Really dangerous things to do with shreds:

  • Send them to the IRS. First of all, they aren't going to assemble these in hopes they'll put together your tax return. They will see it as as hostile act and penalize severely. A woman in her 80s sent her 1040 tax check in with a note "Here is your blood money" after the reprobates hounded her husband into a fatal heart attack. She was charged with criminal actions, had to pay a fine, and had to spend time in jail.
  • Insulate your house with them. They are not fire-rated, and could spontaneously combust. They also make great food for cockroaches and other insects.

6. Health tip/Fitness tips

Posting the picture at right in the previous issue elicited a question from Sally about fat burners. She wants to know which "is the best one for the money."

John Scott, the CEO of JS Nitro, said in an interview that "Supplements get you maybe 2% of your total results." Now, you could quibble about the precision of that 2%. It might be much more for some people. John's point was that other factors are far more important.

For example, long-time contributor Howard says people who want to lose fat can do so the same way they put it on: one spoonful at a time. What he means is how fat you are largely depends upon what you put into your mouth.

Your endocrine system also plays a big role. Doing large compound exercises such as squats, deadlifts, and bench presses hugely raises a man's testosterone (provided other things are in place). These exercises also raise a woman's testosterone (helping protect her from osteoporosis), but not nearly as much.


Testosterone signals your body to burn fat and build muscle. The higher your levels of free testosterone (as opposed to bound, which is why a saliva-based testosterone test is the only way to accurately measure it) the leaner your physique will be. Doing intense exercise in short bursts raises testosterone, while doing endurance work raises cortisol (which depresses testosterone).

If you gear your exercise program toward increasing testosterone, you have a key element in place. You also need to eliminate from your diet foods that spike insulin, as this depresses testosterone.

It takes dedication and discipline to follow a program that drives your body fat down to 5% or lower. Supplements give you an edge there, by speeding up the process and by helping reverse the damage from mistakes you make.

Most people really have no need to be ripped, as in the photo. But they do want to look good and be healthy. For people carrying some winter fat, those fat burning supplements are an excellent idea. For people who want to engage in an unhealthy lifestyle based on poor food choices, they are a waste of money. It really doesn't change your appearance that much to go from 30% body fat to 25%; you're still obese, either way.

But for a male to go from 9% to 7%, the change is hugely noticeable. At 9%, you're on the border between healthy/unhealthy, and you've got a distorted-looking midsection. At 7%, your love handles are gone and you have a six-pack. All without the high level of dedication and discipline it takes to get to a competitive bodybuilding level of body fat. The difference between 9% and 7% can be achieved with supplements alone, and gee, there's that 2% again even though that isn't really the 2% John Scott was talking about.

What you're not going to do is scarf down pizza twice a week while subsisting on the typical grain-based diet and expect to have that six-pack if you "just take enough of those fat burners."

So, Sally, the best fat burner for your money is a grocery cart full of greens. If 70% of what you eat consists of kale, broccoli, and other fresh produce your fat burning goes on autopilot. That's assuming the other 30% consists of lean protein, good oils, and an array of herbs and spices but does not include meat, wheat, corn, or soy. (Meat is "off limits" because commercial meats are from corn-fed animals, not because meat is inherently bad.)

Here's a little test. The next time you're in the grocery store, take a look around at the people who are shopping in the produce department. Notice their physiques. Yes, you may see a fattie or two. But look at those folks who are buying things other than iceberg lettuce and baby carrots. They aren't counting calories. They're buying fresh produce and steering clear of the corn/wheat/soy health hazards.



At, you'll find plenty of informative, authoritative articles on maintaining a lean, strong physique. It has nothing to do with long workouts or impossible to maintain diets. In fact:
  • The best workouts are short and intense.
  • A good diet contains far more flavors and satisfaction than the typical American diet.

7. Factoid

The heat of peppers is rated on the Scoville scale. The blistering pace at which CONgress is burning through our money is, like one of those extremely raunchy movies, unrated.

8. Thought for the Day

It takes less time to properly plan something out than to fix the mistakes that result from poor planning.


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The views expressed in this e-newsletter are generally not shared by criminals, zombies, or brainwashed individuals.

Except where noted, this e-newsletter is entirely the work of Mark Lamendola. Anything presented as fact can be independently verified. Often, sources are given; but where not given, they are readily available to anyone who makes the effort.

Mark provides information from either research or his own areas of established expertise. Sometimes, what appears to be a personal opinion is the only possibility when applying sound logic--reason it out before judging! (That said, some personal opinions do appear on occasion).

The purpose of this publication is to inform and empower its readers (and save you money!).

Personal note from Mark: I value each and every one of you, and I hope that shows in the diligent effort I put into writing this e-newsletter. Thank you for being a faithful reader. Please pass this newsletter along to others.

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